Privacy policy

Luxury Haircare B.V. respects the privacy of all users of the site and ensures that all your personal data is treated confidentially. When you visit our site, various data is collected in order to provide you with the best possible service.

This Privacy Statement explains exactly which data is processed, what is done with your data and what rights you have. Luxury Haircare B.V. ensures that the correct notifications have been made to the Registratiekamer in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

What information is provided by Luxury Haircare B.V. incorporated?
The data provided by Luxury Haircare B.V. are processed in two categories. On the one hand, this concerns data that you enter yourself on the input screen when you place an order via the site. This information concerns your identity (such as name, address, e-mail, etc.) and information regarding the payment method you have chosen. On the other hand, it concerns the so-called traffic data of site visitors. This is how the IP address of your computer is registered. Your surfing behavior on the Luxury Haircare B.V. site is also examined.

What does Luxury Haircare B.V. do? with your data?
The purpose of the processing of the data is:

- the processing of your order, its payment and delivery to the correct delivery address;
- promoting the user-friendliness of the site;
- to be able to make (personalized) offers and promotions or to provide relevant information or news bulletins.

The personal data will only be processed for the above purposes.

The website of Luxury Haircare B.V. may contain advertisements from third parties or links to other sites. Luxury Haircare B.V. does not influence the privacy policies of these third parties or their sites and is not responsible for them.

All data is encrypted and sent over secure connections. Luxury Haircare B.V. uses a security level that is appropriate to the nature of the data to be protected.

Your rights
You can always contact Luxury Haircare B.V. ask what data is processed about you. You can send an email for this. You can also send an e-mail to Luxury Haircare B.V. ask to make improvements, additions or other corrections, which Luxury Haircare B.V. will process as soon as possible.

For all other questions you may have about the privacy policy of Luxury Haircare B.V. you can send an e-mail to or call +31 (0) 30 265 8191